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- Canto Primo Op.72 by Benjamin Britten
solo pedalsteel - listen
- I Remember by Bob Hoffnar
solo pedalsteel - listen
Click here and scroll down to "I Remember" to see low res version of the video.
- Duet for Cello and Pedalsteel by Bob Hoffnar
with Jane Scarpantoni cello - listen
- Juliet by Bob Hoffnar
with Doug Wieselman bass clarinet - listen
- Understanding Desire by David Simons
with John Convertino string bass and David Simons percussion - listen
- Wolfrun by J.A. Deane
With J. A. Deane sampler and editing - listen
- Guardians of the Human Race by David Simons and Bob Hoffnar
with David Simons sampler - listen
- Duet for Dancer and Pedalsteel by Bob Hoffnar
with Joslyn Stewart Dancer - listen